The Law

13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13

The 613 Commandments

**Not in any particular order

1Know there is a G-dExodus 20:2
2Do not entertain thoughts of other gods besides G-dExodus 20:3
3Know that G-d is One, a complete UnityDeuteronomy 6:4
4Love G-dDeuteronomy 6:5
5Fear G-d reverentlyDeuteronomy 10:20
6Sanctify G-d’s NameLeviticus 22:32
7Do not profane G-d’s NameLeviticus 22:32
8Do not destroy objects associated with G-d’s NameDeuteronomy 12:4
9Listen to the prophet speaking in G-d’s NameDeuteronomy 18:15
10Do not test the prophet undulyDeuteronomy 6:16
11Emulate G-d’s waysDeuteronomy 28:9
12Cleave to those who know G-dDeuteronomy 10:20
13Love other JewsLeviticus 19:18
14Show love towards convertsDeuteronomy 10:19
15Do not hate fellow JewsLeviticus 19:17
16Reprove a neighbor who sinsLeviticus 19:17
17Do not embarrass othersLeviticus 19:17
18Do not oppress the weakExodus 22:21
19Do not speak derogatorily of othersLeviticus 19:16
20Do not take revengeLeviticus 19:18
21Do not bear a grudgeLeviticus 19:18
22Learn G-d’s CommandmentsDeuteronomy 6:7
23Honor those who teach and know the LawLeviticus 19:32
24Do not inquire into idolatryLeviticus 19:4
25Do not follow the whims of your heart or what your eyes seeNumbers 15:39
26Do not curse G-dExodus 22:28
27Do not worship idols in the manner they are worshipedExodus 20:5
28Do not worship idols in the four ways we worship G-dExodus 20:5
29Do not make an idol for yourselfExodus 20:4
30Do not make an idol for othersLeviticus 19:4
31Do not make human forms even for decorative purposesExodus 20:23
32Do not turn a city to idolatryDeuteronomy 13:12-15
33Burn a city that has turned to idol worshipDeuteronomy 13:17
34Do not rebuild an idolatrous city that has been burnedDeuteronomy 13:17
35Do not derive benefit from an idolatrous cityDeuteronomy 13:18
36Do not entice an individual to idol worshipDeuteronomy 13:12-15
37Do not love those who entice others into idolatryDeuteronomy 13:9
38Do not cease hating an idolaterDeuteronomy 13:9
39Do not save an idolater from executionDeuteronomy 13:9
40Do not say anything in an idolater’s defenseDeuteronomy 13:9
41Do not refrain from incriminating an idolaterDeuteronomy 13:9
42Do not prophesize in the name of idolatryDeuteronomy 13:14
43Do not listen to a false prophetDeuteronomy 13:4
44Do not prophesy falsely in the name of G-dDeuteronomy 18:20
45Do not be afraid of killing the false prophetDeuteronomy 18:22
46Do not swear in the name of an idolExodus 23:13
47Do not inquire of spiritsLeviticus 19:31
48Do not consult magicians or seersLeviticus 19:31
49Do not pass your children through the fire to MolechLeviticus 18:21
50Do not erect a pillar in a public place of worshipDeuteronomy 16:22
51Do not bow down on smooth stoneLeviticus 26:1
52Do not plant a tree in the Temple courtyardDeuteronomy 16:21
53Destroy idols and their accessoriesDeuteronomy 12:2
54Do not derive benefit from idols and their accessoriesDeuteronomy 7:26
55Do not derive benefit from ornaments of idolsDeuteronomy 7:25
56Do not make a covenant with idolatersDeuteronomy 7:2
57Do not show favor to idolatersDeuteronomy 7:2
58Do not let idolaters dwell in the Land of IsraelExodus 23:33
59Do not imitate idolaters in customs and clothingLeviticus 20:23
60Do not be superstitiousLeviticus 19:26
61Do not go into a trance to foresee events, etcDeuteronomy 18:10
62Do not engage in astrologyLeviticus 19:26
63Do not mutter incantationsDeuteronomy 18:11
64Do not attempt to contact the deadDeuteronomy 18:11
65Do not consult ghosts or spiritsDeuteronomy 18:11
66Do not consult magicians or wizardsDeuteronomy 18:11
67Do not perform acts of magicDeuteronomy 18:10
68Men must not shave the hair off the sides of their headLeviticus 19:27
69Men must not shave their beards with a razorLeviticus 19:27
70Men must not wear women’s clothingDeuteronomy 22:5
71Women must not wear men’s clothingDeuteronomy 22:5
72Do not tattoo the skinLeviticus 19:28
73Do not tear or cut the skin in mourningDeuteronomy 14:1
74Do not make a bald spot in mourningDeuteronomy 14:1
75Repent and confess wrongdoingsNumbers 5:7
76Recite the Shema twice dailyDeuteronomy 6:7
77Serve the Almighty with prayer dailyExodus 23:25
78The priests must bless the Israelite nation dailyNumbers 6:23
79Wear tefillin (phylacteries) on the headDeuteronomy 6:8
80Bind tefillin on the armDeuteronomy 6:8
81Write the commandments on each door postDeuteronomy 6:9
82Each male must write a scroll of the LawDeuteronomy 31:19
83The king must have a separate book of the Law for himselfDeuteronomy 17:18
84Have tassels on four-cornered garmentsNumbers 15:38
85Bless the Almighty after eatingDeuteronomy 8:10
86Circumcise all males on the eighth day after their birthLeviticus 12:3
87Rest on the seventh day SabbathExodus 23:12
88Do not do prohibited labor on the seventh day SabbathExodus 20:10
89The court must not inflict punishment on the SabbathExodus 35:2
90Do not walk outside the city boundary on the SabbathExodus 16:29
91Sanctify the Sabbath from beginning to endExodus 20:8
92Rest from prohibited labor on the SabbathLeviticus 23:32
93Do not do prohibited labor on the Day of AtonementLeviticus 23:32
94Afflict yourself on the Day of AtonementLeviticus 16:29
95Do not eat or drink on the Day of AtonementLeviticus 23:29
96Rest on the first day of PassoverLeviticus 23:7
97Do not do prohibited labor on the first day of PassoverLeviticus 23:7
98Rest on the seventh day of PassoverLeviticus 23:8
99Do not do prohibited labor on the seventh day of PassoverLeviticus 23:8
100Rest on the Feast of WeeksLeviticus 23:21
101Do not do prohibited labor on the Feast of WeeksLeviticus 23:21
102Rest on the Feast of TrumpetsLeviticus 23:24
103Do not do prohibited labor on the Feast of TrumpetsLeviticus 23:25
104Rest on the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:35
105Do not do prohibited labor on the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:35
106Rest on the eighth day of the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:36
107Do not do prohibited labor on eighth day of the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:36
108Do not eat leavened food on the afternoon of the 14th day of NisanDeuteronomy 16:3
109Destroy all leaven on 14th day of NisanExodus 12:15
110Do not eat leaven all seven days of PassoverExodus 13:3
111Do not eat mixtures containing leaven all seven days of PassoverExodus 12:20
112Do not see leaven in your domain seven days during PassoverExodus 13:7
113Do not find leaven in your domain seven days during PassoverExodus 12:19
114Eat unleavened bread (matzah) on the first night of PassoverExodus 12:18
115Relate the Exodus from Egypt on the first night PassoverExodus 13:8
116Hear the ram’s horn on the Feast of TrumpetsNumbers 29:1
117Dwell in a temporary shelter for the seven days of the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:42
118Take up a Lulav and Etrog all seven days of the Feast of TabernaclesLeviticus 23:40
119Each man must give a half shekel annuallyExodus 30:13
120Courts must calculate to determine when a new month beginsExodus 12:2
121To afflict and cry out before G-d in times of catastropheNumbers 10:9
122Marry a wife by means of a marriage agreement and sanctificationDeuteronomy 22:13
123Do not have sexual relations with women not married by means of a marriage agreement and sanctificationDeuteronomy 23:17
124Do not withhold food, clothing, and sexual relations from your wifeExodus 21:10
125Have children with one’s wifeGenesis 1:28
126Issue a divorce by means of a “get” documentDeuteronomy 24:1
127A man must not remarry his ex-wife after she has married someone elseDeuteronomy 24:4
128A man must marry the widow of his childless brotherDeuteronomy 25:5
129A man must free the widow of his childless brother from the obligation to marry him if he is unwilling to marry herDeuteronomy 25:9
130A childless widow must not remarry until the ties with her brother-in-law are removedDeuteronomy 25:5
131The court must fine one who sexually seduces a maidenExodus 22:16-17
132One who seduces a maiden must marry the maiden if she choosesDeuteronomy 22:29
133A seducer that marries the maiden he seduces is never allowed to divorce herDeuteronomy 22:29
134A man who slanders his wife with accusations of adultery must remain married to his wifeDeuteronomy 22:19
135A man who slanders his wife with accusations of adultery must not divorce herDeuteronomy 22:19
136Fulfill the laws of the woman suspected of adulteryNumbers 5:30
137Do not put oil on the meal offering of a woman suspected of adulteryNumbers 5:15
138Do not put frankincense on the meal offering of a woman suspected of adulteryNumbers 5:15
139Do not have sexual relations with your motherLeviticus 18:7
140Do not have sexual relations with your father’s wifeLeviticus 18:8
141Do not have sexual relations with your sisterLeviticus 18:9
142Do not have sexual relations with your father’s wife’s daughterLeviticus 18:11
143Do not have sexual relations with your son’s daughterLeviticus 18:10
144Do not have sexual relations with your daughterLeviticus 18:6Leviticus 18:10
145Do not have sexual relations with your daughter’s daughterLeviticus 18:10
146Do not have sexual relations with a woman and her daughterLeviticus 18:17
147Do not have sexual relations with a woman and her son’s daughterLeviticus 18:17
148Do not have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter’s daughterLeviticus 18:17
149Do not have sexual relations with your father’s sisterLeviticus 18:12
150Do not have sexual relations with your mother’s sisterLeviticus 18:13
151Do not have sexual relations with your father’s brother’s wifeLeviticus 18:14
152Do not have sexual relations with your son’s wifeLeviticus 18:15
153Do not have sexual relations with your brother’s wifeLeviticus 18:16
154Do not have sexual relations with your wife’s sisterLeviticus 18:18
155A man must not have sexual relations with an animalLeviticus 18:23
156A woman must not have sexual relations with an animalLeviticus 18:23
157Do not have homosexual sexual relationsLeviticus 18:22
158Do not have homosexual sexual relations with your fatherLeviticus 18:7
159Do not have homosexual sexual relations with your father’s brotherLeviticus 18:14
160Do not have sexual relations with someone else’s wifeLeviticus 18:20
161Do not have sexual relations with a menstrually impure womanLeviticus 18:19
162Do not marry non-JewsDeuteronomy 7:3
163Do not let Moabite and Ammonite males marry into the Jewish peopleDeuteronomy 23:4
164Do not prevent a third-generation Egyptian convert from marrying into the Jewish peopleDeuteronomy 23:7-8
165Do not refrain from marrying a third generation Edomite convertDeuteronomy 23:7-8
166Do not let a child born due to an illegal relationship marry into the Jewish peopleDeuteronomy 23:3
167Do not let a eunuch marry into the Jewish peopleDeuteronomy 23:1
168Do not castrate any males (including animals)Leviticus 22:24
169The high priest must not marry a widowLeviticus 21:14
170The high priest must not have sexual relations with a widow even outside of marriageLeviticus 21:15
171The high priest must marry a virgin maidenLeviticus 21:13
172A priest must not marry a divorceeLeviticus 21:7
173A priest must not marry a woman who has had a forbidden sexual relationshipLeviticus 21:7
174A priest must not marry a desecrated womanLeviticus 21:7
175Do not make pleasurable (sexual) contact with any forbidden womanLeviticus 18:6
176Examine the signs of animals to distinguish between those which are kosher and non-kosherLeviticus 11:2
177Examine the signs of fowl to distinguish between those which are kosher and non-kosherDeuteronomy 14:11
178Examine the signs of fish to distinguish between those which are kosher and non-kosherLeviticus 11:9
179Examine the signs of insects to distinguish between those which are kosher and non-kosherLeviticus 11:21
180Do not eat non-kosher animalsLeviticus 11:4
181Do not eat non-kosher fowlLeviticus 11:13
182Do not eat non-kosher fishLeviticus 11:11
183Do not eat non-kosher flying insectsDeuteronomy 14:19
184Do not eat non-kosher creatures that crawl on landLeviticus 11:41
185Do not eat non-kosher verminLeviticus 11:44
186Do not eat worms found in fruit on the groundLeviticus 11:42
187Do not eat creatures that live in water other than kosher fishLeviticus 11:43
188Do not eat of an animal that dies of natural causesDeuteronomy 14:21
189Do not benefit from an ox condemned to be stonedExodus 21:28
190Do not eat meat of an animal that was mortally woundedExodus 22:31
191Do not eat meat torn off a living creatureDeuteronomy 12:23
192Do not eat bloodLeviticus 3:17
193Do not eat certain fats of clean animalsLeviticus 3:17
194Do not eat the sinew of the thighGenesis 32:32
195Do not eat meat and milk cooked togetherExodus 23:19
196Do not cook meat and milk togetherExodus 34:26
197Do not eat bread from new grain before the OmerLeviticus 23:14
198Do not eat parched grains from new grain before the OmerLeviticus 23:14
199Do not eat ripened grains from new grain before the OmerLeviticus 23:14
200Do not eat fruit of a tree during its first three yearsLeviticus 19:23
201Do not eat diverse seeds planted in a vineyardDeuteronomy 22:9
202Do not eat untithed fruitsLeviticus 22:14-15
203Do not drink wine poured in service to idolsDeuteronomy 32:38
204Ritually slaughter an animal before eating itDeuteronomy 12:21
205Do not slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same dayLeviticus 22:28
206Cover the blood (of a slaughtered beast or fowl) with earthLeviticus 17:13
207Send away the mother bird before taking its childrenDeuteronomy 22:6
208Release a mother bird if she was taken from the nestDeuteronomy 22:7
209Do not swear falsely in G-d’s NameLeviticus 19:12
210Do not take G-d’s Name in vainExodus 20:7
211Do not deny possession of something entrusted to youLeviticus 19:11
212Do not swear in denial of a monetary claimLeviticus 19:11
213Swear in G-d’s Name to confirm the truth when deemed necessary by courtDeuteronomy 10:20
214Fulfill what you uttered and do what you vowedDeuteronomy 23:23
215Do not break oaths or vowsNumbers 30:2
216For oaths and vows annulled there are the laws of annulling vows explicit in the LawNumbers 30:3-5
217The nazirite must let his hair growNumbers 6:5
218The nazirite must not cut his hairNumbers 6:5
219The nazirite must not drink wine, wine mixtures, or wine vinegarNumbers 6:3
220The nazirite must not eat fresh grapesNumbers 6:3
221The nazirite must not eat raisinsNumbers 6:3
222The nazirite must not eat grape seedsNumbers 6:4
223The nazirite must not eat grape skinsNumbers 6:4
224The nazirite must not be under the same roof as a corpseNumbers 6:6
225The nazirite must not come into contact with the deadNumbers 6:7
226The nazirite must shave his head after bringing sacrifices upon completion of his nazirite periodNumbers 6:9
227Estimate the value of people as determined by the LawLeviticus 27:2-8
228Estimate the value of consecrated animalsLeviticus 27:12-13
229Estimate the value of consecrated housesLeviticus 27:14
230Estimate the value of consecrated fieldsLeviticus 27:16
231Carry out the laws of interdicting possessionsLeviticus 27:28
232Do not sell interdicted possessionsLeviticus 27:28
233Do not redeem interdicted possessionsLeviticus 27:28
234Do not plant diverse seeds togetherLeviticus 19:19
235Do not plant grains or greens in a vineyardDeuteronomy 22:9
236Do not crossbreed animalsLeviticus 19:19
237Do not work different animals togetherDeuteronomy 22:10
238Do not wear cloth woven of wool and linenDeuteronomy 22:11
239Leave a corner of the field uncut for the poorLeviticus 19:10
240Do not reap the corner of a field left for the poorLeviticus 19:9
241Leave gleanings from a field for the poorLeviticus 19:9
242Do not gather gleanings from a field but leave them for the poorLeviticus 19:9
243Leave the gleanings of a vineyard for the poorLeviticus 19:10
244Do not gather the gleanings of a vineyard but leave them for the poorLeviticus 19:10
245Leave the unformed clusters of grapes for the poorLeviticus 19:10
246Do not pick the unformed clusters of grapes but leave them for the poorLeviticus 19:10
247Leave the forgotten sheaves in the field for the poorDeuteronomy 24:19
248Do not retrieve sheaves forgotten in the field but leave them for the poorDeuteronomy 24:19
249Separate the tithe for the poorDeuteronomy 14:28
250Give charity to those in needDeuteronomy 15:8
251Do not withhold charity from the poorDeuteronomy 15:7
252Set aside a gift of food for the priestDeuteronomy 18:4
253The Levite must set aside a tenth of his titheNumbers 18:26
254Do not preface one tithe to the next but separate them in their proper orderExodus 22:29
255A non- priest must not eat food set aside as a gift for the priestLeviticus 22:10
256A hired worker or an Jewish bondsman of a priest must not eat food set aside as a gift for the priestLeviticus 22:10
257An uncircumcised priest must not eat food set aside for a priestExodus 12:48
258An impure priest must not eat food set aside for a priestLeviticus 22:4
259A desecrated woman must not eat food set aside for a priestLeviticus 22:12
260Set aside a tithe each planting year and give it to a LeviteNumbers 18:24
261Set aside the second titheDeuteronomy 14:22
262Do not spend the money from selling the second tithe on anything but food, drink, or ointment in JerusalemDeuteronomy 26:14
263Do not eat the second tithe while impureDeuteronomy 26:14
264A mourner on the first day after a death must not eat the second titheDeuteronomy 26:14
265Do not eat second tithe grains outside JerusalemDeuteronomy 12:17-18
266Do not eat second tithe wine products outside JerusalemDeuteronomy 12:17-18
267Do not eat second tithe oil outside JerusalemDeuteronomy 12:17-18
268The fourth year crops must be totally for holy purposes like the second titheLeviticus 19:24
269Read the confession of tithes every fourth and seventh yearDeuteronomy 26:13
270Set aside the first fruits and bring them to the TempleExodus 23:19
271The priests must not eat the first fruits outside JerusalemDeuteronomy 12:17-18
272Read the portion of Scripture pertaining to the presentation of first fruitsDeuteronomy 26:5
273Set aside a portion of dough for a priestNumbers 15:20
274Give the shoulder, two cheeks, and stomach of slaughtered animals to a priestDeuteronomy 18:3
275Give the first shearing of sheep to a priestDeuteronomy 18:4
276Redeem firstborn sons and give the money to a priestNumbers 18:15
277Redeem the firstborn donkey by giving a lamb to a priestExodus 13:13
278Break the neck of the donkey if the owner does not intend to redeem itExodus 13:13
279Rest the land during the seventh year by not doing any work which enhances growthExodus 34:21
280Do not work the land during the seventh yearLeviticus 25:4
281Do not work with trees to produce fruit during the seventh yearLeviticus 25:4
282Do not reap crops that grow wild during the seventh year in the normal mannerLeviticus 25:5
283Do not gather grapes which grow wild during the seventh year in the normal wayLeviticus 25:5
284Leave free all produce which grew in the seventh yearExodus 23:11
285Release all loans during the seventh yearDeuteronomy 15:2
286Do not pressure or claim from the borrower during the seventh yearDeuteronomy 15:2
287Do not refrain from lending immediately before the release of the loans for fear of monetary lossDeuteronomy 15:9
288The Sanhedrin must count seven groups of seven yearsLeviticus 25:8
289The Sanhedrin must sanctify the fiftieth yearLeviticus 25:10
290Blow the ram’s horn on the tenth day of the seventh month to free the slavesLeviticus 25:9
291Do not work the soil during the fiftieth yearLeviticus 25:11
292Do not reap in the normal manner that which grows wild in the fiftieth yearLeviticus 25:11
293Do not pick grapes which grew wild in the normal manner in the fiftieth yearLeviticus 25:11
294Carry out the laws of sold family properties in the fiftieth yearLeviticus 25:24
295Do not sell the land in Israel indefinitelyLeviticus 25:23
296Carry out the laws of houses in walled citiesLeviticus 25:29
297The tribe of Levi must not be given a portion of the land in IsraelDeuteronomy 18:1
298The Levites must not take a share in the spoils of warDeuteronomy 18:1
299Give the Levites cities to inhabit and their surrounding fieldsNumbers 35:2
300Do not sell the fields of the Levites but they shall belong to Levites before and after the Jubilee yearLeviticus 25:34
301Build a temple (tabernacle)Exodus 25:8
302Do not build the altar with stones hewn by metalExodus 20:25
303Do not climb steps to the altarExodus 20:26
304Show reverence to the TempleLeviticus 19:30
305Guard the Temple areaNumbers 18:2
306Do not leave the Temple unguardedNumbers 18:5
307Prepare the anointing oilExodus 30:31
308Do not reproduce the anointing oilExodus 30:32-33
309Do not anoint a foreigner with anointing oilExodus 30:33
310Do not reproduce the incense formulaExodus 30:37
311Do not burn anything on the golden altar besides incenseExodus 30:9
312The Levites must transport the ark on their shouldersNumbers 7:9
313Do not remove the staves from the arkExodus 25:15
314The Levites must work in the TempleNumbers 18:23
315No Levite must do another’s work of either another priest or another LeviteNumbers 18:3
316Dedicate the priest for serviceLeviticus 21:8
317The work of the priests’ shifts must be equal during holidaysDeuteronomy 18:6-8
318The priests must wear their priestly garments during serviceExodus 28:2
319Do not tear the priestly garmentsExodus 28:32
320Do not loosen the breastplate from the ephodExodus 28:28
321A priest must not enter the Temple intoxicatedLeviticus 10:9
322A priest must not enter the Temple with long hairLeviticus 10:6
323A priest must not enter the Temple with torn clothesLeviticus 10:6
324A priest must not enter the Temple indiscriminatelyLeviticus 16:2
325A priest must not leave the Temple during serviceLeviticus 10:7
326Send the impure person from the TempleNumbers 5:2
327An impure person must not enter the TempleNumbers 5:3
328An impure person must not enter the Temple Mount areaDeuteronomy 23:11
329Impure priests must not do service in the TempleLeviticus 22:2
330An impure priest, following immersion, must wait until after sundown before returning to serviceLeviticus 22:7
331A priest must wash his hands and feet before serviceExodus 30:19
332A priest with a physical blemish must not enter the sanctuary or approach the altarLeviticus 21:23
333A priest with a physical blemish must not serveLeviticus 21:17
334A priest with a temporary blemish must not serveLeviticus 21:17
335One who is not a priest must not serveNumbers 18:4
336Offer only unblemished animalsLeviticus 22:21
337Do not dedicate a blemished animal for the altarLeviticus 22:20
338Do not slaughter a blemished animalLeviticus 22:22
339Do not sprinkle a blemished animal’s bloodLeviticus 22:24
340Do not burn a blemished animal’s fatLeviticus 22:22
341Do not offer a temporarily blemished animalDeuteronomy 17:1
342Do not sacrifice blemished animals even if offered by non-JewsLeviticus 22:25
343Do not inflict wounds upon dedicated animalsLeviticus 22:21-22
344Redeem dedicated animals which have become disqualifiedDeuteronomy 12:15
345Offer only animals which are at least eight days oldLeviticus 22:27
346Do not offer animals bought with the wages of a harlot or the wages of a dogDeuteronomy 23:18
347Do not burn honey or yeast on the altarLeviticus 2:11
348Salt all sacrificesLeviticus 2:13
349Do not omit the salt from sacrificesLeviticus 2:13
350Carry out the procedure of the burnt offering as prescribed in the LawLeviticus 1:3
351Do not eat the meat of a burnt offering away from the TempleDeuteronomy 12:17-18
352Carry out the procedure of the sin offeringLeviticus 6:25-30
353Do not eat the meat of the inner sin offeringLeviticus 6:23
354Do not decapitate a fowl brought as a sin offeringLeviticus 5:8
355Carry out the procedure of the guilt offeringLeviticus 7:1
356The priests must eat the sacrificial meat in the TempleExodus 29:33
357The priests must not eat the meat of an offering outside the Temple courtyardDeuteronomy 12:17-18
358A non- priest must not eat sacrificial meatExodus 29:33
359Follow the procedure of the peace offeringLeviticus 7:11
360Do not eat the meat of minor sacrifices before sprinkling the bloodDeuteronomy 12:15-16
361Bring meal offerings as prescribed in the LawLeviticus 2:1
362Do not put oil on the meal offerings of wrongdoersLeviticus 5:11
363Do not put frankincense on the meal offerings of wrongdoersLeviticus 5:11
364Do not eat the meal offering of the high priestLeviticus 6:16
365Do not bake a meal offering as leavened breadLeviticus 6:17
366The priests must eat the remains of the meal offeringsLeviticus 6:16
367Bring all avowed and freewill offerings to the Temple on the first subsequent festivalDeuteronomy 12:5-6
368Do not withhold payment incurred by any vowDeuteronomy 23:22
369Offer all sacrifices in the TempleDeuteronomy 12:11
370Bring all sacrifices from outside Israel to the TempleDeuteronomy 12:26
371Do not slaughter sacrifices outside the courtyardLeviticus 17:3-4
372Do not offer any sacrifices outside the courtyardDeuteronomy 12:13
373Offer two lambs for sacrifice every dayNumbers 28:3
374Keep the fire burning on the altarLeviticus 6:9
375Do not extinguish the fire on the altarLeviticus 6:12
376Remove the ashes from the altar every dayLeviticus 6:10
377Burn incense every dayExodus 30:7
378Light the menorah every dayExodus 27:21
379The high priest must bring a meal offering every dayLeviticus 6:20
380Bring two additional lambs as burnt offerings on the SabbathNumbers 28:9
381Make the show bread and place it before G-dExodus 25:30
382Bring additional offerings on the first day of the monthNumbers 28:11
383Bring additional offerings on PassoverNumbers 28:19
384Offer the wave offering from the meal of the new wheatLeviticus 23:10
385Each man must count seven weeks from the day the new wheat offering was brought after PassoverLeviticus 23:15
386Bring additional offerings on the Feast of WeeksNumbers 28:26-31
387Bring two loaves to accompany the additional the Feast of Weeks offeringsLeviticus 23:17
388Bring additional offerings on the Feast of TrumpetsNumbers 29:12-13
389Bring additional offerings on the Day of AtonementNumbers 29:8
390Bring additional offerings on the Feast of TabernaclesNumbers 29:1-2
391Bring additional offerings on the eighth day of the Feast of TabernaclesNumbers 29:35-36
392Do not eat sacrifices which have become unfit or blemishedDeuteronomy 14:3
393Do not eat from sacrifices offered with improper intentionsLeviticus 7:18
394Do not leave sacrifices past the time allowed for eating themLeviticus 22:30
395Do not eat from that which was left over from an offeringLeviticus 19:8
396Do not eat from sacrifices which became impureLeviticus 7:19
397An impure person must not eat from sacrificesLeviticus 7:20
398Burn the leftover sacrificesLeviticus 7:17
399Burn all impure sacrificesLeviticus 7:19
400Follow the procedures of the Day of Atonement in the sequence prescribedLeviticus 16:3
401One who profaned a sacred object must repay what he profaned plus a fifth and bring a sacrificeLeviticus 5:16
402Do not work consecrated animalsDeuteronomy 15:19
403Do not shear the fleece of consecrated animalsDeuteronomy 15:19
404Slaughter the paschal sacrifice at the specified timeExodus 12:6
405Do not slaughter the paschal sacrifice while in possession of leavenExodus 23:18
406Do not leave the fat of the paschal sacrifice overnightExodus 23:18
407Slaughter the second Passover lambNumbers 9:11
408Eat the Passover lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs on the night of the 14th of NisanExodus 12:8
409Eat the second Passover lamb on the night of the 15th day of the month after PassoverNumbers 9:11
410Do not eat the meat of the Passover lamb raw or boiledExodus 12:9
411Do not take the meat of the Passover lamb from the confines of the groupExodus 12:46
412An apostate must not eat from the Passover lambExodus 12:43
413A permanent or temporary hired worker must not eat from the Passover lambExodus 12:45
414An uncircumcised male must not eat from the Passover lambExodus 12:48
415Do not break any bones from the Passover lambExodus 12:46
416Do not break any bones from the second Passover lamb offeringNumbers 9:12
417Do not leave any meat of the Passover lamb over until morningExodus 12:10
418Do not leave the meat of the second Passover lamb over until morningNumbers 9:12
419Do not leave the meat of the Passover lamb of the 14th until the 16thDeuteronomy 16:4
420Go to the Temple on Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of TabernaclesDeuteronomy 16:16
421Celebrate on Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles and bring a peace offeringExodus 23:14
422Rejoice on Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles and bring a peace offeringDeuteronomy 16:14
423Do not appear at the Temple during Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles without offeringsDeuteronomy 16:16
424Do not refrain from rejoicing with, and giving gifts to the LevitesDeuteronomy 12:19
425Assemble all the people on the Feast of Tabernacles following the seventh yearDeuteronomy 31:10-12
426Set aside the firstborn animalsExodus 13:12
427The priests must not eat unblemished firstborn animals outside JerusalemDeuteronomy 12:17-18
428Do not redeem the firstborn animalsNumbers 18:17
429Separate the tithe of animalsLeviticus 27:32
430Do not redeem the titheLeviticus 27:33
431Every person must bring a sin offering for his transgressionLeviticus 4:27
432Bring a guilt offering when uncertain of guiltLeviticus 5:17-18
433Bring a guilt offering when guilt is determinedLeviticus 6:6
434Bring an burnt offering in accordance with one’s financial abilityLeviticus 5:7-11
435The High Court must bring an offering when it rules in errorLeviticus 4:13
436A woman who had a running vaginal issue must bring an offering after she immerses in waterLeviticus 15:28-29
437A woman who gave birth must bring an offering after she immerses in waterLeviticus 12:6
438A man who had a running unnatural urinary issue must bring an offering after he immerses in waterLeviticus 15:13-14
439An unclean person must bring an offering after immersing in waterLeviticus 14:10
440Do not substitute another beast for one set apart for sacrificeLeviticus 27:10
441Both an animal offered as a substitution as well as an animal set apart for sacrifice retain their consecrationLeviticus 27:10
442Do not change consecrated animals from one type of offering to anotherLeviticus 27:26
443Carry out the laws of impurity of the deadNumbers 19:14
444Carry out the procedure of the red heiferNumbers 19:2
445Carry out the laws of the sprinkling waterNumbers 19:21
446Follow the commandments of human leprosy as prescribed in the LawLeviticus 13:12
447The unclean person must not remove his signs of impurityDeuteronomy 24:8
448The unclean person must not shave signs of impurity in his hairLeviticus 13:33
449The unclean person must publicize his condition by tearing his garments, allowing his hair to grow, and covering his lipsLeviticus 13:45
450Carry out the prescribed rules for purifying the unclean personLeviticus 14:2
451The unclean person must shave off all his hair prior to purificationLeviticus 14:9
452Carry out the laws of leprosy of clothingLeviticus 13:47
453Carry out the laws of leprosy of housesLeviticus 13:34
454Observe the laws of menstrual impurityLeviticus 15:19
455Observe the laws of impurity caused by childbirthLeviticus 12:2
456Observe the laws of impurity caused by a woman’s running issueLeviticus 15:25
457Observe the laws of impurity caused by a man’s running issueLeviticus 15:3
458Observe the laws of impurity caused by a dead beastLeviticus 11:39
459Observe the laws of impurity caused by the eight listed insectsLeviticus 11:29
460Observe the laws of impurity of a seminal emissionLeviticus 15:16
461Observe the laws of impurity concerning liquid and solid foodsLeviticus 11:34
462Every impure person must immerse himself in water to become pureLeviticus 15:16
463The court must judge the damages incurred by a goring oxExodus 21:28
464The court must judge the damages incurred by an animal eatingExodus 22:5
465The court must judge the damages incurred by a pitExodus 21:33
466The court must judge the damages incurred by fireExodus 22:6
467Do not steal money stealthilyLeviticus 19:11
468The court must implement punitive measures against a thiefExodus 22:1
469Each individual must ensure that his scales and weights are accurateLeviticus 19:36
470Do not commit injustice with scales and weightsLeviticus 19:35
471Do not possess inaccurate scales and weights even if they are not for useDeuteronomy 25:13
472Do not move a boundary marker to steal someone’s propertyDeuteronomy 19:14
473Do not kidnapExodus 20:15
474Do not rob openlyLeviticus 19:13
475Do not withhold wages or fail to repay a debtLeviticus 19:13
476Do not covet and scheme to acquire another’s possessionExodus 20:17
477Do not desire another’s possessionDeuteronomy 5:18
478Return a stolen object or its valueLeviticus 5:23
479Do not ignore a lost objectDeuteronomy 22:3
480Return the lost objectDeuteronomy 22:1
481The court must implement laws against the one who assaults another or damages another’s propertyExodus 21:18
482Do not murderExodus 20:13
483Do not accept monetary restitution to atone for a murdererNumbers 35:31
484The court must send the accidental murderer to a city of refugeNumbers 35:25
485Do not accept monetary restitution instead of being sent to a city of refugeNumbers 35:32
486Do not kill a murderer before he stands trialNumbers 35:12
487Save someone from being killed by a blood avenger even by taking the life of the pursuerDeuteronomy 25:12
488Do not pity a person who pursues an individual accused of murderNumbers 35:12
489Do not stand idly by if someone’s life is in dangerLeviticus 19:16
490Designate cities of refuge and prepare routes of accessDeuteronomy 19:3
491Break the neck of a calf by the river valley following an unsolved murderDeuteronomy 21:4
492Do not work nor plant the river valley where an unsolved murder occurredDeuteronomy 21:4
493Do not allow pitfalls and obstacles to remain on your propertyDeuteronomy 22:8
494Make a guard rail around flat roofsDeuteronomy 22:8
495Do not put a stumbling block before a blind man (not give harmful advice)Leviticus 19:14
496Help another remove the load from a beast which can no longer carry itExodus 23:5
497Help others load their beastDeuteronomy 22:4
498Do not leave others distraught with their burdens (but to help either load or unload)Deuteronomy 22:4
499Buy and sell according to G-d’s LawLeviticus 25:14
500Do not overcharge or underpay for an articleLeviticus 25:14
501Do not insult or harm anybody with wordsLeviticus 25:17
502Do not cheat a sincere convert monetarilyExodus 22:21
503Do not insult or harm a sincere convert with wordsExodus 22:21
504Purchase a Hebrew slave in accordance with the prescribed lawsExodus 21:2
505Do not sell a Hebrew as a non-Hebrew is soldLeviticus 25:42
506Do not work a Hebrew slave oppressivelyLeviticus 25:43
507Do not allow a non-Jew to work a Hebrew slave oppressivelyLeviticus 25:53
508Do not have a Jewish slave do menial slave laborLeviticus 25:39
509Give a Jewish slave gifts when he goes freeDeuteronomy 15:14
510Do not send a Jewish slave away empty-handedDeuteronomy 15:13
511Redeem Jewish maidservantsExodus 21:8
512Betroth the Jewish maidservantExodus 21:8
513The master must not sell his maidservantExodus 21:8
514Canaanite slaves must work forever unless injured in one of their limbsLeviticus 25:46
515Do not extradite a slave who fled to the Biblical Land of IsraelDeuteronomy 23:16
516Do not wrong a slave who has come to the Land of Israel for refugeDeuteronomy 23:16
517The courts must carry out the laws of a hired worker and hired guardExodus 22:10
518Pay wages on the day they were earnedDeuteronomy 24:15
519Do not delay payment of wages past the agreed timeLeviticus 19:13
520The hired worker may eat from the unharvested crops where he worksDeuteronomy 23:25
521The worker must not eat while on hired timeDeuteronomy 23:26
522The worker must not take more than he can eatDeuteronomy 23:25
523Do not muzzle an ox while plowingDeuteronomy 25:4
524The courts must carry out the laws of a borrowerExodus 22:14
525The courts must carry out the laws of an unpaid guardExodus 22:7
526Lend to the poor and destituteExodus 22:25
527Do not press the poor and destitute for payment if you know they don’t have itExodus 22:25
528Press the idolater for payment of a loanDeuteronomy 15:3
529The creditor must not forcibly take collateralDeuteronomy 24:10
530Return the collateral to the debtor when neededDeuteronomy 24:13
531Do not delay return of collateral when neededDeuteronomy 24:12
532Do not demand collateral from a widowDeuteronomy 24:17
533Do not demand as collateral utensils needed for preparing foodDeuteronomy 24:6
534Do not lend with interestLeviticus 25:37
535Do not borrow with interestDeuteronomy 23:20
536Do not intermediate in an interest loan, guarantee, witness, or write the promissory noteExodus 22:25
537Lend to and borrow from idolaters with interestDeuteronomy 23:21
538The courts must carry out the laws of the plaintiff, admitter, or denierExodus 22:9-12
539Carry out the laws of the order of inheritanceNumbers 27:8
540Appoint judgesDeuteronomy 16:18
541Do not appoint judges who are not familiar with judicial procedureDeuteronomy 1:17
542Decide by majority in case of disagreementExodus 23:2
543The court must not execute through a majority of one; at least a majority of two is requiredExodus 23:2
544A judge who presented an acquittal plea must not present an argument for conviction in capital casesExodus 23:2
545The courts must carry out the death penalty of stoningDeuteronomy 22:24
546The courts must carry out the death penalty of burningLeviticus 20:14
547The courts must carry out the death penalty of the swordExodus 21:20
548The courts must carry out the death penalty of strangulationLeviticus 20:10
549The courts must hang those stoned for blasphemy or idolatryDeuteronomy 21:22
550Bury the executed on the day they are killedDeuteronomy 21:23
551Do not delay burial overnightDeuteronomy 21:23
552The court must not let the sorcerer liveExodus 22:18
553The court must give lashes to the wrongdoerDeuteronomy 25:2
554The court must not exceed the prescribed number of lashesDeuteronomy 25:3
555The court must not kill anybody on circumstantial evidenceExodus 23:7
556The court must not punish anybody who was forced to do a crimeDeuteronomy 22:26
557A judge must not pity the murderer or assaulter at the trialDeuteronomy 19:13
558A judge must not have mercy on the poor man at the trialLeviticus 19:15
559A judge must not respect the great man at the trialLeviticus 19:15
560A judge must not decide unjustly the case of the habitual transgressorExodus 23:6
561A judge must not pervert justiceLeviticus 19:15
562A judge must not pervert a case involving a convert or orphanDeuteronomy 24:17
563Judge righteouslyLeviticus 19:15
564The judge must not fear a violent man in judgmentDeuteronomy 1:17
565Judges must not accept bribesExodus 23:8
566Judges must not accept testimony unless both parties are presentExodus 23:1
567Do not curse judgesExodus 22:28
568Do not curse the head of state or leader of the SanhedrinExodus 22:28
569Do not curse any upstanding JewLeviticus 19:14
570Anybody who knows evidence must testify in courtLeviticus 5:1
571Carefully interrogate a witness in a trialDeuteronomy 13:15
572A witness must not serve as a judge in capital crimesDeuteronomy 19:17
573Do not accept testimony from a lone witnessDeuteronomy 19:15
574Transgressors must not testifyExodus 23:1
575Relatives of the litigants must not testifyDeuteronomy 24:16
576Do not testify falselyExodus 20:16
577Punish the false witnesses as they tried to punish the defendantDeuteronomy 19:19
578Act according to the ruling of the SanhedrinDeuteronomy 17:11
579Do not deviate from the word of the SanhedrinDeuteronomy 17:11
580Do not add any commandments to the LawDeuteronomy 12:32
581Do not diminish any commandments from the LawDeuteronomy 12:32
582Do not curse your father and motherExodus 21:17
583Do not strike your father and motherExodus 21:15
584Respect your father or motherExodus 20:12
585Fear your father or motherLeviticus 19:3
586Do not be a rebellious sonDeuteronomy 21:18
587Mourn for relativesLeviticus 10:19
588The high priest must not defile himself for any relativeLeviticus 21:11
589The high priest must not enter under the same roof as a corpseLeviticus 21:11
590A priest must not defile himself for anyone except relativesLeviticus 21:1
591Appoint a king from IsraelDeuteronomy 17:15
592Do not appoint a convert as kingDeuteronomy 17:15
593The king must not have too many wivesDeuteronomy 17:17
594The king must not have too many horsesDeuteronomy 17:16
595The king must not have too much silver and goldDeuteronomy 17:17
596Destroy the seven Canaanite nationsDeuteronomy 20:17
597Do not let any of the seven Canaanite nations remain aliveDeuteronomy 20:16
598Wipe out the descendants of AmalekDeuteronomy 25:19
599Remember what Amalek did to the Jewish peopleDeuteronomy 25:17
600Do not forget Amalek’s atrocities and ambush on our journey from Egypt in the desertDeuteronomy 25:19
601Do not dwell permanently in EgyptDeuteronomy 17:16
602Offer peace terms to the inhabitants of a city while holding siege, and treat them according to the Law if they accept the termsDeuteronomy 20:10
603Do not offer peace to Ammon and Moab while besieging themDeuteronomy 23:7
604Do not destroy fruit trees even during the siegeDeuteronomy 20:19
605Prepare latrines outside the campsDeuteronomy 23:13
606Prepare a shovel for each soldier to dig withDeuteronomy 23:14
607Appoint a priest to speak with the soldiers during the warDeuteronomy 20:2
608He who has taken a wife, built a new home, or planted a vineyard is given a year to rejoice with his possessionsDeuteronomy 24:5
609Do not demand any communal or military involvement for one yearDeuteronomy 24:5
610Do not panic and retreat during battleDeuteronomy 20:3
611Keep the laws of the captive womanDeuteronomy 21:11
612Do not sell a captive woman into slaveryDeuteronomy 21:14
613Do not retain a captive woman for servitude after having sexual relations with herDeuteronomy 21:14

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” (Galatians 4:4-5)